Wondering Thoughts of a USMC Veteran

WARNING: This Blog contains the thoughts of a veteran of the United States Marine Corps. Anyone who chooses to read the contents of this Blog does so at their own risk. Visitors to this Blog will keep in mind the following: "The Marines I have seen around the world have the cleanest bodies, the filthiest minds, the highest morale, and the lowest morals of any group of animals I have ever seen. Thank GOD for the United States Marine Corps." - Eleanor Roosevelt, 1945

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Draft Dodgers Do Have Reunions

Here is a story about a bunch of losers who got together to celebrate their own cowardice. Of course, they insist they are morally correct in running scared and are upset at Canada’s attempts to keep the few running cowards from todays military out of their country.



At 9:24 AM, Blogger Samantha West said...

You know the thing about deserters is that they are quitters by nature and will break every chance they get. They didn't belong in the military in the first place which is why boot camp should be tough enough to screen them out...oh yea, Marine boot is. But over the last thirty years the whinny liberal crowd has softened up Army boot. When we don't train our soldiers hard enough we are putting them at risk as well as the nation. It's criminal to ask someone to protect you and then fail to train them hard enough.

At 1:56 PM, Blogger Stephen R. Maloney said...

Dear Marine: I hope you'll strongly support the congressional campaign effort of Lt. Col. William T. Russell against John Murtha in PA's 12th District. Russell needs your support. You can find Russell's web site at: http://williamrussellforcongress.com.

If every Marine offers even a ten-dollar contribution to Russell, he will win this race. His campaign manager is Larry Stiles (USMC, VietNam era). I write almost daily about the Russell Campaign, emphasizing the strategy and tactics that will lead to victory. I invite you to visit as often as you'd like at: http://stevemaloneygop.blogspot.com.

You can sign up for "Bloggers 4 Russell" either by leaving me a commnet on my site or by e-mailing me at TalkTop65@aol.com. Many Marines are involved in this effort (and many Army types). Please join our effort. God belss and good luck.

steve maloney

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At 11:33 AM, Blogger Unknown said...


I have a quick question about your blog, do you think you could email me?

I look forward to hearing from you,


At 7:25 PM, Anonymous military gear said...

Over the last thirty years the whinny liberal crowd has softened up Army boot


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